Be unreasonable to accomplish big things
There will always be people who say it can't be done. These are the people who comform themselves to the existing world; but you can't do anything new that way. To change the world, you can't listen to people who don't have the same vision and commitment you do. What…
It's easy to spend money…
...and more difficult and time consuming to earn it. When we consider making a purchase, stopping to think about how long we'd have to work to earn that much after tax money is a good idea.
It's easier to live better now
The labor hours required to buy a color TV or a car are falling. This because of the effciency and productivity gains in the free marketplace. The quality of the goods are much better as well. In 1973 (some may remember) the television was 25" at most, had bad sound,…
World poverty is falling
"Between 1970 and 2006 the global poverty rate has been cut by nearly three-quarters. The percentage of the world population living on less than $1 a day went from 26.8% to 5.4%. The most surprising secular event in history, "The Great Enrichment" of the average individual on the planet by…
If at first you don't succeed…
Today's Think Daily is written by a guest, Brad Glazer, from our YOU write ME a Think Daily message day. "If at first you don't succeed, try doing what your coach (trainer) said in the first place."
When disadvantages are advantages
Many of us say we have disadvantages that put us behind and make it harder for us to be successful. A poor family growing up, dyslexia, a physical handicap, a less than ideal school, a tough neighborhood, friends who made really bad choices, rough parents, and so much more. …
They can see it on your face
A sour face comes from sour thoughts. People can tell what you are thinking in general, and they act accordingly. Look in the mirror. What would people say you're thinking about?
What if I fail?
A victim asks this question out of fear, and tries to justify his failure to try. A victor asks this question to understand the consequences, make an informed decision, and to chase away fear by deciding in advance to be willing to accept failure. The victor ALSO asks, "What if I…
The Mind-Body Connection
There is a clear link between the mind and the body. What you believe and how you think will affect how you behave and perform and feel. Change your mind, change your life.
What do YOU think of you?
We wouldn't worry so much about what others think of us if we knew how little they did. The important thing is what you think of yourself. You are always watching. Make yourself proud.
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When you get right down to it,the only part of the world you can really change is yourself- so start there!
I am glad my daughter goes to a college whose motto is:
“Challenge Convention, Change our World.” I think a lot of students are trying to do just that.
I love this! That often means we have to conform to a world that isn’t tangible/ visible yet.
Excellent advise! So true!