Think Daily by Larry Janesky
"I'm challenged"

Good for you!  We should all be challenged.  We should all strive and stretch and do things that are difficult. Not to would be wasting your talents, and letting your abilities go undeveloped. What's your challenge?

"With great power comes great responsibility"

We hear this and attribute it to others - the "powerful".  But what about you?  Don't you have powers? With the technology available, your power to vote, your earning ability, your power to lift others, and many other abilities, you have more powers than most humans did back when this…

Don't compare yourself to others

If you do, you'll always find reasons to not be happy with yourself. There will always be people who look better than you, have better relationships, and more stuff. Instead, compare yourself to who you were in the past.  Be a better you.  


When people hurt you and caused you pain, it had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. Don't let what happened keep hurting you. Forgive and release yourself.

Is "retirement" the goal?

Data shows that of people who retire at age 55, 89% die within ten years. Could it be that making a contribution each day is what we are here for? We have to work to live. What would happen to you if you did nothing?


Sounds like you are comfortable.  When faced without a challenge - make one. Fight a bad guy.  Live a David vs Goliath story.  Try the impossible - or at least the unexpected or unlikely.  Live a good vs evil chapter. Get yourself going!  What gets you going?

A supercomputer in every pocket

The smartphone in your pocket is 1000 times faster and one million times cheaper than a supercomputer from the 1970's. Innovation and a better life brought to you by capitalism. It's just the beginning...

What happened in the news

The "News" is about what happened.  It's not about what did not happen.  The news has a programming policy -"If it bleeds, it leads."  It's easy then for us to watch the news and think that things are going to hell. But things that "didn't happen" also exist, and outnumber…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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