Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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Today's Think Daily Message

How much should you achieve?

I love this idea from Jim Rohn - "Your goal is the development of your full potential.  Why not see who you can become? How far should you go?  As far as you can. How much should you learn?  As much as you can. How much should you achieve?  All…

High Hanging Fruit

Did you know the term "sour grapes" came from the idea that if you couldn't reach fruit because it was too high, that you'd justify it by telling a lie to yourself to make yourself feel better- "they were probably sour anyway". You lost - "Ah, I didn't want to…

Strap on your cape!

Got problems?  Got projects?  Got issues? Somebody else need help? Nobody else coming to save you or them? Get mad, get determined, get whatever you gotta get and summon what you got. Strap on your cape and let's go! Face it, do it, crush it - WIN it and feel…

Be the exception

Habits, attention, friends, how you spend your time... You can't be normal if you want to be above average. Be the exception.

Produce Results

Your ability to produce results that someone is paying for is how you will get paid.  What abilities do you have that people will pay for? The person/people (customer) you are helping is always the judge as to how much value you bring. How have you developed your skills to…

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Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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