Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Where does personal energy come from?

You know that feeling when you have to do something you don't want to do?  You don't have a lot of unconscious voluntary energy for it.  But when you are doing something you want to do, you have boundless energy.  Where does that energy come from? Here's my take after…

Failure and Defeat

For some, failure and troubles are ambition-eating acid.  For others, developing fluid. We need failure to learn from, so we may get better. How do you think about it?

Goal-seeking organism

Without something we are working towards, we wander and drift, not knowing what to do with ourselves. With a clear goal, something we want to accomplish, we have a reason for each day, and are motivated toward completing the tasks that are the parts of achieving the goal. What are…

The opportunity to be successful

Some say, "I never had the opportunity to be successful."   But we are all swimming in that opportunity everyday.  The opportunity to become necessary to the world, important to others, and be meaningful each day. Opportunity is all around us.  Seeing it and taking advantage of it is up…

Declutter for the new year!

Look around your office, house and car - lots of "stuff".  You've done it before - doesn't it feel good to get rid of the junk, things we thought we'd need but apparently don't, and all the visual noise? Part of doing new things, and having new thoughts, is to…

What’s work, and what’s play?

When you have to do it - it's work.  When you don't and you do it anyway - it's play. What do you do for fun, that other people may do for a living?  What do you do for a living, that others may do for fun? Can you get…

From thought into form

Thoughts can only manifest themselves in reality.  It can be no other way. Look around a person, and you can see their past thoughts. What have your thoughts manifested for you?

Your head; a filing cabinet?

There's an old saying, "the palest ink is better than the best memory".  Write things down.   I use a journal - a hard cover book, and I have pens all over the place of different color ink - blue, red, black and green.  I switch colors when switching topics…

Why you want your employer to be profitable

1) So you can continue to work there if you chose. 2) So you can get a raise when it is earned. 3) So the company can afford to make capital investments to make the future better. 4) So the company can provide proper service to its customers and you…

Living by Principles

We can't go around giving knee jerk reactions when we like something or don't like it depending on the mood we are in or what we are trying to do at the moment.  We need principles to live by in our society and with ourselves. With strong principles, we can…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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