Think Daily by Larry Janesky
The Weather Inside

It's not what's happening outside of you that will determine your experience of life, your success and your destination - it's what is happening inside of you that matters.   You can't control the weather outside, but you can control it inside. Are you?

Control your attention –

We don't live where our body is. We live where our attention is. Control where your attention is. If you can't, you don't have control of your experience. Where are you placing your attention these days?

Joy and pleasure are different

There is a significant difference between joy in your soul and hedonistic pleasure. One leaves you feeling fulfilled and the other can leave you feeling empty. You know the difference. There's nothing wrong with pleasure, but not at the expense of joy in your heart and soul. What fills you…

Treat people for what they can be

If we see people as small, untalented and insignificant, and we treat them that way, they become worse.   But if we treat people for what they could be, for what they are capable of, we encourage the spark in them to be more and do more. I bet your…

No Regrets

Regret comes from the idea that you could have done better in the past.   If you could have you would have. Let it go. No regrets.

Mastery is no fun most of the time

You know the ant and the grasshopper story.  The kids who hung out on the street, while others toiled away doing their homework, projects, or learning one skill really well. Now we are adults, and those of us who have mastered something have it to lean on, to earn with,…

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue.

We can interpret the bad things that happened (to us) as unfair, troubling, disturbing, and a liability, or we can see them for what they are; just events that made us who we are - smarter and stronger. Realize their positive effects, and move on.  

The power to choose our response

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response. In our response lies our greatest growth and freedom."            - Victor Frankl It's not so much what happens to us that shapes our lives and results, it's…

Off Track?

If you are off track of pursuing your goals, off track of your health, off track of your finances, career or relationships...there is always this moment to get back on track.   You always have this moment, and it's the only moment you will ever have. How about now then?

Get Influenced

The other day my son ran a marathon - 26.2 miles. Not just any old marathon though - it was through the northern Vermont woods with 5500 feet of vertical elevation change. Oh yeah, and it was -8 degrees F. You read that right. -8 degrees F. (It was supposed…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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