Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Negative Visualization

We have a habit of taking things for granted. We can start to feel ungrateful or indifferent about our blessings, and feel like we won't be happy until we get more. But of course, if we do get more, the same thing happens. How can we feel gratitude when we…

Net Worth to the World

"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones." - From the book Pursuing the Good Life. What would be left after they worked this equation on you?

You're being set up

The world has set you up to trigger you emotionally. News organizations and marketers know you'll only pay attention when they trigger your emotions - and that's just what they are doing. They want to inspire fear, conspiracy, conflict and inadequacy. The television, radio, newspapers, magazines and now your smart…

"Into the Dust" Debut on You Tube!

The day has finally come.  Our full-length movie 16 months in the making is finally on You Tube.  It's a great movie to watch with the family.  It's called "Into the Dust", and it's about our first attempt at the longest non-stop cross country race in the world - the…

Years that ask questions

There are years that ask questions, and years that answer.   What will come to us from the outer world? Will it be wet, or dry? Will the economy be better or worse? Who will come into our life, and who will leave it? We must expect undulations in the…

Create less friction

People are different. And when these unique personalities rub against each other out there, there can be lots of friction. Some of us cause more friction than is necessary. And some respond to the friction initiated by others, with more friction. It can be exhausting. Can we move about our…

Curing Cancer

We all know someone we've lost to cancer. It may seem hard to believe, but the end of cancer and other diseases is near. Scientists and researchers have been working hard to find new approaches to fighting these diseases and they are making extraordinary progress lately. For example, immunotherapy involves…

Use your talents!

If you have talent and don't use it, you have failed. If you have talent and only use it partly, you have partly failed. If you use all you have been given, you are a glorious suceess, because you have lived out why you were put here, and used what…


Each day we identify with our environment. We do the same things in the same way, and these things trigger the same emotions we have had every day. We take our past and live it over again - projecting the past into our future. But does the past equal the…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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