Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Controlling Yourself

Is a good life possible without self-discipline?   We all have impulses and desires.  But if we follow them as they arise, we will not wind up in a good place.  Think of people you know who live marred or unhappy lives.  I bet lack of self-control is at the root…

"Character is Destiny"

"Character is Destiny" - Heroclitis Lots of people are smarter than you. But if they don't have the character to back it up, they can't succeed like you can.   Which would you rather be - super talented but have inconsistent or dubious character, or be of average talent and high…

Generate Energy

A power plant doesn't have energy, it generates it.   Enthusiasm, motion, focus - it comes from inside you, not outside. Are you generating enough energy?

Neck-top computer

You have a laptop.  You have a smartphone.  But don't forget - you are the human-in-charge.  All of that other stuff is to serve you and help you be the best version of you that you can.  

Sweat more in training, bleed less in war

When I show up at the Baja 1000 starting line at 4 am on Nov 17, either I am prepared, or I am not.  There isn't much I can do about it then.  When I show up in front of a School of Entrepreneurship class, either I am prepared, or…

Conquer your digital addiction

Smartphones, computers, social media, video, digital shopping, notifications, texts, etc. etc.  So many benefits... What is it doing to you?  Your sleep?  Your ability to focus?  Your social skills?  Your attention?  Your time?   Our brains and social needs were not made for this.  Use it, benefit from it, but be…

The Law of Attraction

It's simple.  That which you fix your mind on you will attract in life.  Don't argue. You don't even have to agree - but that's how it works.  So you may as well embrace it.  So how do we use this?  First, we need to STOP thinking and dwelling on…

Disciplining Desire

In Napoleon Hill's classic book "Think and Grow Rich" he identifies desire as the starting point of all achievement.  Of course, he was not talking about any desire - but a desire for a positive result, outcome or personal goal.   We all have desires, but we have to discern which…

I didn't buy the car

"People don't want things, they want the emotions that come with them." - Tony Robbins Usually, when you buy a new car, it makes you feel good. Maybe it's a landmark in your life. Maybe it tells you that you don't have to worry or that people will look at…

Is the story real?

We make stuff up.  We combine an edited version of what happened, our emotions and imagination and wind up with a story.  We tell ourselves the story over and over and our brain believes the story because it does not distinguish between what is real and what is vividly imagined.…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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