Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Should, could, don't.

Should learn, could learn, don't learn. Should walk around the block, could walk around the block, don't walk around the block. Should eat right, could eat right, don't eat right. Should call, could call, don't call. Don't wait until you can't.

Reflections of a 54 year old

I turned 54 a few days ago. It's not a "big birthday," but I took time to reflect on my life, what I have learned, and how I feel. 1) Relationships are most important. In the end, that's all we've got, and that's all we really need. Love in all…

Life or ____________ .

"Life is the practice of keeping death at a respectable distance." - Jim Rohn When another day goes by, is death another day closer for you? That depends on what you did that day - right? What are you doing today to take care of your mind and body?

The "Ultimate Creative Project"

In the book "An Audience of One" I read this and loved it -  "The ultimate creative project - making our lives a masterpiece" And if you haven't downloaded my album "Masterpiece" from iTunes yet - get it!  The last words of the last (title) track are....

What you really value

You can tell what you really value by how you spend your time; how much time you spend on doing this or that, and what you do when nobody is paying you to do it. What does your schedule say about what you value?  

Messy reflect weakness

I can't remember the author or where I read this, but here goes - "Messy surroundings reflect a weak psychological state.  If you are powerful you will dominate your life.  You will find time to clean up and create order.  You'll want to.  Mess is an external manifestation of weakness and…

"I love you"

Ok, this one is going to be a little difficult for some - that family member you don't talk to much anymore....your father (for sons), your son (for fathers), that friend who was always there for you..... Get your phone out and text those words to someone. That's it.

Drop the suitcase

"Always take your next shot unburdened by previous failures to hit the target.  Do not be influenced by your successes either.  Stay in the present moment." - Eugene Harrigel; "Zen in the Art of Archery" Whether it was good or bad, the past is over.  Drop the suitcase.  Let this…

Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice

Like you, I have bad days. Things that are important and dear to me seem to be quite out of sorts some days. It hurts. You read something like the title of this post, and it's easy to say "yeah, yeah, yeah - whatever." But after years of "practice" and observation,…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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