Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Disciplining Desire

In Napoleon Hill's classic book "Think and Grow Rich" he identifies desire as the starting point of all achievement.  Of course, he was not talking about any desire - but a desire for a positive result, outcome or personal goal.   We all have desires, but we have to discern which…

I didn't buy the car

"People don't want things, they want the emotions that come with them." - Tony Robbins Usually, when you buy a new car, it makes you feel good. Maybe it's a landmark in your life. Maybe it tells you that you don't have to worry or that people will look at…

Is the story real?

We make stuff up.  We combine an edited version of what happened, our emotions and imagination and wind up with a story.  We tell ourselves the story over and over and our brain believes the story because it does not distinguish between what is real and what is vividly imagined.…

Making your home more energy efficient pays for itself

It's not high priced solar panels or high technology - just a professional sealing and insulating correctly in the right places.  It doesn't matter how old your house is - it's not right!  I made this video with my team a number of years ago - I just watched it again -…

Who got to you first?

Let's say we learned X view from the people around us.  Human nature is to believe X, and go around looking for evidence in the world that X is right, and arguing with others who have Y view.   Meanwhile, people who were taught Y first, go around doing the same…

Admit Your Ignorance

When you think you know it all, you are closed to learning new things, and the possibility that you are wrong. The opposite of being a know-it-all is admitting your ignorance. Say "I don't know, and I want to find out more." The more we are ignorant, the more we can…

Headlight of an oncoming train?

As I have said before, I am not political, but I am about ideas, and I do know money math. Google "Chart on Federal Debt" and "Federal Debt per Person."  This is not a problem until it's a problem. Then it's a huge problem that will affect us all.   US federal debt per…

Kick the Resistance's A*#!

In the book "The War of Art," author Stephen Pressfield calls it "The Resistance." It's procrastination. It's feeling we aren't good enough, ready enough, or smart enough. It's doing the easy things first until there is no time for the hard and important things. Today, bust through! Kick the Resistance's butt!…

The purpose of our lives

"The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best that is within us" - Marianne Williamson I love Marianne - check her out.

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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