Don't Quit!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

So long as you are moving toward a worthy goal in an area that matches your native abilities and interest, perseverance is a quality you’re going to need to move closer to your potential.

In fact, the greater the goal, the longer it will take, and the more you’re going to need to stick to it in times of difficulty or confusion when you want to quit.

This is something I know well.  Not quitting is my thing.  I just don’t quit.  And because I don’t quit, I get better and better – outlasting my competition long after they lost interest or are gone for whatever reason. 

All you have to do to not quit is to keep going.

Ray Fernandes

“Quitters never win and winners never quit”


Yea!! Jen O’Brien, love her!!
Brendan Fogarty’s key phase is, “I Never Quit”!! Great minds think alike Larry

Judy Gebers

Sometimes I think it’s sheer bull-headed stubbornness that kept us from quitting when times were really, really rough. Sometimes I think it was faith that God wouldn’t possibly put us through the soup without having a fabulous banquet in our future. In hindsight it was probably a 50/50 calculation…but there is a great return in grit and prayer—our company is proof of that.

Sheelah Brown

The motto from our Irish ancestors is, “Paddy never lays down.”

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