Fake it till you become it

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In November, I will once again enter the longest non-stop cross country motorcycle race in the world with my son, Tanner – the Baja 1000 in Mexico. As you may know from our movie on YouTube “Into the Dust”, we were a two man team in 2015 and had a great race. Last year we both entered the Ironman Class where you do the whole course on your own. No teammates, just you and your dirt bike and the desert.

In all the years this class has existed, only about 15 people have ever finished this race – ever. If I had finished last year, I’d have become the oldest of them. This year I am trying again. But they have made the course 50% farther than last year – 1260 miles with a 48 hour time limit. To make matters more difficult, they have made it a midnight start; so you can’t get a good night’s sleep before the race.

What self-talk do I have about this? Whatever it is, it matters. We bring about what we think about.

So I put a post-it note on my bathroom mirror “Baja 1000 Ironman Finisher.” That little note has done wonders for me. I see it at the beginning and end of each day. I see myself conquering this course and crossing the finish line.

We need to put foreign thoughts in – ones we wouldn’t usually have. Thoughts that our current selves find hard to believe at first. Ones that represent what we want to be or have happen, not what is happening now. We need to chant, rehearse, repeat and immerse ourselves in these thoughts until we come to believe in them.

The mind cannot tell the difference between an idea that is real and one that is vividly imagined. We have the power to do this, so we have the power to change who we are. 

Fake it until you become it.

Robert Videon

Larry my friend,

I am looking forward to saying ti tou. I knew you would do it. I am confident that tou will give everything you have to complete this raxe. As an endurance athlete we cinstantly

Robert Videon

As endurance athletes we constantly push ourselves to the next level. Its who we are, we want to know more is possible! Kinda like what we do in business. Go for it Larry! I believe in you! You have never given me reason to doubt your resolve. God Bless!

Robert Videon

Im sorry about the typos. Im on my cell phone and I dont have my glasses and I accidently submitted the first part of the message before reviewing & editing.

John Signoriello

Napoleon Hill! What the mind can perceive the person can achieved!

Tim Slamans

Hi Larry,
Good luck on the race this year! Let me know if you need help with your chase crew, I could come down there and volunteer.

Pam Baker

Team Saber is behind you one hundred percent!

Possibility Thinking Increases your Possibilities! (when you believe you can do something difficult..and you succeed…many doors open for you…



Sharon leichsenring

You validated something that I have always found to be true but I think I had a negative spin that I was hiding behind becoming the me that I knew I I can be. So again, thanks fir your words.
And best of luck in the Baja 1000.

Lawrence Bergen

You continue to inspire the ‘WILL DO’ attitude. I only worked for your company for 2.5 years and haven’t worked there in 5, but your daily inspiration have been the key to so much change. Best of luck and be safe on this next big adventure my kids and I will be rooting you both on from CA!! You will do it!!

Also if you ever come out to SF (maybe to be the interviewer or interviewee with Tim Ferriss). Drop me an email.

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