Think Daily by Larry Janesky

Do the things you know you need to do. When is now a good time?

Who are my mentors?

I get this question often.  I never went to college - so whom did I learn from?  While there are hundreds or thousands of authors I've listened to or read, let me tell you some of my favorites so you can get their work, too. Jim Rohn and Earl Nightingale…

Rolling toward your goals

I lived 21 minutes from my office for ten years.  Then we moved and I still lived 21 minutes away in the other direction. I listen to audiobooks in my vehicle all the time.  It's time that I'm alone, uninterrupted, where I can absorb the words of others. Twenty-one minutes…


You've been thinking about fixing this or improving that for some time.  How's that thinking (alone) working for you?

You are what you eat

Consider what you swallow is affecting how you feel and what's happening to your body than you think. Experiment.  Change your habits.  Cut this out for a while...see how you feel.  Then cut that out and add this... You'll see.

Advice for the young at heart

When our kids are young, (or when we were), we thought we could do anything.  We didn't know why we couldn't yet.  We were naive.  Sometimes we get caught up in trying to educate or protect others and we tell them all the reasons they can't.  If they believe us,…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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