Any dose lifts
Kindness, helpfulness, courtesy, a compliment, empathy, a smile, a hug, understanding, and listening. They are all dosages of the same human elixir called love. Given in any dose, large or small, makes both the giver and the receiver closer to a fully realized person. In gratitude - for all…

Life is about people
Manifesting stuff is just a game we play with time and talents we have. It's an important game, and one that we must play to make our world better. But experiencing our humanity in its highest form means sharing emotions with other people. Life is about love.

Becoming significant
What value do you bring to others lives? Even more, what value do you provide others that they don't expect?

Each moment is a choice. What to observe. How to interpret what we see. What to do. How to treat others. Moment by moment, we are building ourselves, our lives, and our singular experience on earth. What are you choosing?

The Most Inspirational Place
The graveyard is the most inspirational place. It must be because so many people have taken their dreams there. Will you?

I am mortal
Thinking about the fact that I will not live forever helps me live a more adventurous and rewarding life now. As Steve Jobs said: "Remembering that you are going to die, releases you from the idea that you have something to lose". How do you think about it?

Never a "best time"
There will never be a best time to do something great. Don't wait. You must make the best time - now.

Looking for a place…
Some of us have been looking for a place out there...of peace...of tranquility...of relief. But we cannot find such a place out there. We must look inside ourselves, for without finding it inside, we will never find it outside.

Decisions shape your destiny
Where to live, what work to do, who to marry, what habits to form - decisions shape our destiny. Given the decisions you've made so far, project your life lines out 20 years - where will you be? Who is in charge of your decisions?

Will you outlive your money?
Wouldn't it be nice to run out of money the day you die? But that's not likely. If you are under 35, you are paying for Social Security benefits for current retirees that you can't expect to receive yourself. You should have another plan. What would that be?

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Change is constant and your shoes are getting bigger Love and blessings to you and your family
Larry i have been thanking about you and your family for days now,i have not been to church in a few months but felt the need to go Sunday to say a prayer for you and your family!if you need anything just a ear to bend or help doing anything i’m here for you.I remember you telling me everything happens for a reason we just don’t know why,stay strong my friend.
Sorry for your the loss of your home and family belongings
my first thought was ,thank god no one was physically injured. Thank you for Think Daily
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your strength is remarkable and shows in how you have dealt with this unfortunate incident. Please contact me if there is ANY thing I can do to help.
Trust your unknown future to a known God. He will bring you beauty for ashes. I believe you will not just come out of this disaster but you will be increased in ways you’ve never imagined. We are praying for you and lifting you and your family up.
I’ve been praying for y’all! I’m so glad no one was hurt! I specifically prayed that you would be overwhelmed (with gratefulness) because of all the ways people reached out to you.
God is not the only one that has confidence in you.
Here is your hug for the day with a kiss. XO
Wow, must’ve been a rollercoaster of a weekend. If my penchant for history is serving me this morning. Thomas Jefferson was always burning his stuff down, too. You’re in rare company.
I saw your post yesterday and then I went online and could not believe the pictures. Thank God your family and your pets are ok. Thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.
Classy way (always Larry’s way) to express your feelings! I just wish he didn’t have so much confidence in me. Love it – and you – my friend.
Once again,you are a positive example to us all. Keeping your sense of humor in this huge “misadventure” is something I will always remember when I think I have a problem.
I have learned in the gatherings I regularly attend “If I lost all my stuff, but was left with the people in my life, God will show me more of His plan for me by speaking to me through those people. I haven’t lost all my stuff (lately) but, Thank You for speaking to me through your words and actions.
Larry & Wendy & Kids,
Our prayers have been with you and for you. We are so sorry that you suffered this tragedy and so grateful that you all got out unscathed.
If you’d like to take a break, sit and catch your breath, please come over any time.
Gale & Flip
We humans tend to classify the events in our lives into buckets labeled either “Good” or “Bad”. But I think God has one bucket labeled “Know Me”. May you be drawn nearer to Him through this and all the events in your life.
Your thought today reminded me of the time when Lisa was undergoing cancer treatment. The cards and calls and well wishes meant so much to us- little did I know I would be on the receiving end of all this. A small gesture can mean so much when you are in turmoil and grieving. I will surely be thinking of you as you minister to your Dad.
Take lots of deep breaths.
As a long time blogee of yours, with all of your sage advice, comments, admonishments and uplifting thoughts, I’m very glad so much is coming back to you at this time.
Remember the ancient healing saying, “and this too will pass”.
Best wishes
Fred Irvin