Think Daily by Larry Janesky
"Deep Work"

"Shallow work keeps you from getting fired. Deep work gets you a promotion." - Cal Newport from the book, Deep Work Do you go deep on anything?   Home Improvement Contractors - go to and take the free trial!  

"WMD Treaty"

Smart phone - weapon of mass distraction.  Technology is awesome, but we have to be its master, and not be used by it as a tool for others' agendas and time frames.   To do great work we have to focus our attention. Try this. Turn your phone off when doing…

Wired to be lazy

In our tribal days, we humans didn't have grocery stores. Food was often scarce and hard to find. So we are wired to burn no more calories than we have to. We are wired to be lazy to survive. Doing things that require lots of effort (energy), mental or physical,…

Execute "the" things

There is a huge difference between acquiring information and understanding it. There's an even bigger gap between understanding information and executing on a daily basis and developing skills with it. You don't have to know everything. You just have to know the right stuff relevant to your goals, focus on…

"Open tickets"

The mind doesn't like "open tickets."  Finish what you started and you'll be able to focus on the next thing and crush it.

Self-discipline separates high from low

Knowing what to do or having access to information is not what makes the difference between those living better lives and those not. Chances are, we know what to do, and what will be better for us in the long run - we just don't do it.   We have attached…

Aspiration is different than need

You need food, water, shelter and care when you are sick or injured. Everything else is a choice. What specifically do you desire? What are your aspirations? Writing them down forces you to clarity. Write now.

Your ARE in business

Even if you don't own a business, you should see yourself as being "in business," because you are. What we do at work is how we interact and make a contribution to the world. It's how we show up to others - be they co-workers, our managers, or customers. This…

The way of the master – part 3

At the end of life, it does not matter what you have, but rather what you have become in the attainment of your goals.   What has the setting and pursuit of your goals made of you? Did you use more of your potential in service to others? Did you…

The way of the master – part 2

For one seeking to attain mastery of his craft, sport, or endeavor, there are no ordinary moments. Everything is always on the line. By behaving this way, the practice is elevated, which is what he knows will make him a master. Your practice; what you do when it's not gametime,…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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