Think Daily by Larry Janesky
You are what you pay attention to

Two people live in the same world.  One pays attention to conflict and what’s wrong and what is shocking.  The other pays attention to what is right and good and what aligns with their higher purpose.  Do they not live different lives in the same world?  Have they not constructed…

Beware of Socialism

A public opinion poll indicated that the majority of Americans between 18 and 29 view socialism favorably and prefer it to free market capitalism.  This is very dangerous.  The good news is that those young people are often confused about what "socialism" means.  The bad news is that in every country…

Writing is a good way to learn

Writing, as opposed to typing on a keyboard, engages a different part of your brain.  It forces you to think more clearly and fully process your thinking.  You are more likely to remember what you write than what you type.  Writing gives you the edge in understanding, learning, and remembering.…

It's okay to say no

Some of us say no too much and we need to say yes more - to experiences, to opportunities, love, happiness, etc. Some of us say yes too much and we need to say no more - to liberate time, to keep our sanity, to be better at what we…


We weren't made to give up.  Bad and sad things happen to all of us - more so when we give up. How far should you go?  As far as you can. How much should you do?  As much as you can.

The courage to be different

"In all the woods and forests, no leaf is like any other. People go against nature because they lack the courage to be different." "You're someone who is different but wants to be like everyone else - and that in my view is a serious illness." - Paulo Coelho, from 'Veronica…

Do not fear

The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. What do you fear?  Isn't the fear slowly killing you?  

Plan for your own retirement

When Social Security began in 1935, it gave you the program's full retirement benefits at age 65. Here's the thing - the average lifespan then was 64. Today it's 78.6. The program has lots of problems as politicians just didn't handle it well over the years, and...well, its future is in…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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