Think Daily by Larry Janesky
Only a few goals at a time

Areas you could set goals -  Family, friends, career, skills, fitness, health, spirituality, hobbies, intimacy, fun, travel, relationship to yourself, making a difference in the world, retirement.  Work in them all and you will fail at them all.   Pick three areas (for now) and focus your thinking and efforts. Which…

The unproductive conversation in your head

There is a conversation going on in your head and it's not necessarily productive to where you want to go, who you want to be, and what you want to do.  It may come from beliefs you've had for a long time.  It may be reinforcing a decision you made because…

Be your own hero

The person that is going to save you is you.  Sure, help from others is nice and makes it easier, but it won't matter without your full commitment and active participation.  Chances are you have some beliefs and identity that you are holding onto that are producing results you don't want. …

Some do, and some don't.

Why is there a gap? Some do, and some don't.  Some will, and some won't.  Some did, and some didn't.  That's why. Will you?

Emotional Intensity

Lots of people SAY they want things.  When we set a goal we are immediately met with challenges and obstacles.  We have to elevate our emotional intensity and conviction to get over and through them.  How bad do you want it?  Our desire has to be stronger than the discomfort/pain/obstacles we…

Failure? I don't think so.

Yesterday we talked about how you could make negative decisions about yourself when you don't succeed at something and how those decisions and beliefs about yourself can become a debilitating limiting factor in your life.  Here are some things to keep in mind- 1) Worthy things are not easy.  If it was…

What missing goals can do to you – if you let it.

You're 7 years old, 11 years old, 16 years old or 24 years old.  You set goals and you do not achieve them.  You keep missing goals. You start to believe you are a loser and success is for others.  "I don't deserve", "I'm not good enough", "success is for…

New skills, new opportunities

When we learn new things and develop new skills and competencies, new opportunities and paths open up to us.  If we don't learn anything new, then we don't see new opportunities - and others don't see them in us or for us either. What are you proactively learning that will…

Learn from History

"The problem with the next generation is they haven't read the minutes of the last meeting." - Richard Weaver We are all breaking new ground - especially in this time of rapid change.  But some things, important things, we don't have to learn the hard way ourselves.  Look at others…

Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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