You can never out-exercise a bad diet

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Want to get in shape and look and feel better?  

Thinking about all the work it will be to do so?

There’s a way you can cut that work dramatically!  Eat better.  

Stop eating sugar.  Stop eating stuff out of cellophane.  Stop eating so much flour and cheese.  Drink water – that’s it.  Eat meat and veggies.  Don’t eat big dinners and don’t eat within 3 hours before bed.  After a while, you’ll be fine with it.

Now you are lighter, leaner, and feel better.

Add in some regular reasonable exercise, and you are a new person!

You can never out-exercise a bad diet.

Rick Pilarski

I’ve been fasting for over seven years now. Love it!!

Paul Brunson

Thank you for shining a light on this! Think about what we’re feeding our kids. Chronic metabolic disease is running rampant in this country and I appreciate that a voice like yours is helping bring this to the forefront of our community’s conscience.


Hey Larry! Love your daily posts. However, as a registered dietitian, I don’t agree with today’s thought. There is no evidence that eating at certain points in the day make us healthier. Flour, cheese, and sugar can all be consumed and you can still lead a very healthy life. I do all of the above and like to have a small snack before bed and I’m currently training for a marathon.
Some people may not be able to afford unpackaged “whole” foods and so cellophane wrapped, banana bread might be all they can provide to their hungry children at home- and that is much better to have as a breakfast than a kid trying to learn while starving. Do I agree North America can be much better in what it provides and how it markets food? Absolutely. Is the average American diet full of processed high sugar/fat/salt food? Yup. Does the majority of people need to exercise more? 110%. But just some thoughts, as making comments on diet and nutrition is so complex with no “one answer fits all”.

Jason Waldek

Truth, sugar and carbs are the source of most health problems in America. The worst thing is the American dietry association has been lying to us for years with that food pyramid, its literally ass backwards!!!

Brian DiRisi

Sugar; the first drug you will ever receive – given to you by the people you trust the most, as a REWARD for “being good”! Drug?? Yes, Drug. It meets all of the criteria:
It has no nutritional value.
It’s bad for you.
It’s Highly addictive.
What else do we need to know?

Thanks, Larry! Great points today & every day! 🫶🏽

Lisa Pant

I love the title of the blog today. Simple sentence with a lot of truth

Matt stevenson

It’s pretty simple Eat real food drink water and walk – that takes care of basic health needs

The crap they serve at school cafeterias is criminal !

Tanner Janesky

Technically you can eat a horrible diet if you burn more calories than you consume. I’m doing multi-year experimentation with diet and health testing. So far, I can confirm that being not-fat is not the same as healthy. Fitness is different than health. So while you can be fit and lean eating cookies and doughnuts, you’re health will suffer in the long run. Unfortunately, diet and health are complex, but Michael Pollan has it pretty close: “Eat real food, mostly plants, not too much.”

Willis Ponds

Larry, I agree with your assessments and have found the same to be true in my family. My parent decided in the early 80’s to cut out all processed sugars, all synthetic fats, all white flour products and took it a step further and cut out all meats that were “forbidden” in the old testament of the Bible. The instant result was that my dad lost 30-40 pounds within a few months and has kept the weight off since. I am one of 10 children and we never went to the doctor while growing up for anything other than broken bones and dental work. We never had a sickness requiring medical assistance to get well. Now that I’m grown and have my own family and 8 children we eat very much the same. We are a little looser on the sugars because my wife has a bit of a sweet tooth and so do my children. We have had a similar experience with medical care in that we have only had to go for broken bones and teeth and maybe 3 serious sicknesses. Oh, and did I mention we also cut out all vaccines at the same time? This might not work for everyone but I am a big believer in not putting things into our body that didn’t naturally occur in nature. It’s nearly impossible to do that but the more we limit the unnatural elements entering our bodies the better off we will be.

Randal W Johansen

I have heard it said “you cannot outrun the fork.”

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