Happy Birthday Think Daily!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

April 2024 marks 15 full years of Think Daily!  I started writing them in 2009.

For me, Think Daily has been a tool and habit that has proven the following – 

To learn is one thing – to teach is an even higher level of learning.

To put good out into the world with no expectation of anything in return, bears great returns.

It has made me a better thinker.

It has kept me out of the dark dungeon of thoughts and kept me away from those sources of bad information and fear.

By talking about good ideas myself, I am more inclined to follow my own advice at the moments when it matters.  I am still working on that.  (Gosh imagine what a caveman I would be had I not been working on myself all this time!)

I have become very good at recognizing good ideas from bad ones by practicing.  Practice builds mastery.

You have to become a better thinker before you can become a better performer.

Thank you for subscribing and being in this community and on this journey with me!




Larry, thank you for so many, many wonderful, uplifting messages!!

Doug Kenyon

Happy Birthday Think Daily. Thank you for your commitment to sharing with others

Johan Norberg

Happy birthday, thanks for all the intellectual gifts!

Daniel Kniseley

Happy Anniversary to Think Daily πŸ™‚

Mike Freeman

Thank you for Sharing you knowledge and teaching us all😊

Jeff Russell

Happy birthday, Think Daily! Larry, I look forward to the message every morning. For me, it’s the best way to start my day, every day!

Jodi Fogarty

Congratulations on 15 years, your blogs have helped so many people, including me!!

Matt Whisenant

Happy birthday to Think Daily! It’s how I start every morning M to F.


Larry, thank you very much for your effort, I get a lot out of the Think Daily emails, they have improved my life, my business, and my team’s lives.

Michael Haydamous

Congratulations Larry! It is truly an achievement, that keeps on growing!

Frank Braun

Thank you! I appreciate the Think Daily, it helps look at things in a different perspective.

Daniel McIlvain

Happy Birthday Think Daily!!!
Think Daily is the start of everyday for me, and I am thankful for them.

Babie Galloway

Happy Birthday, Think Daily!

Mary Lawrence

Congrats Larry! That is a long time to be so dedicated to a daily task and I know myself, and a lot of other people, look forward to this part of of our daily email grind. πŸ™‚ Thank you!

Ronny Krogstad

So “Think Daily” is an overnight success after only 15 years. It’s great, it is part of my daily routine. Thank you for sharing.

Brandon Carr

Happy Birthday Think Daily!

Mark McBride

Happy Birthday Think Daily and congratulations Larry! I have enjoyed Think Daily for many years and have used the content on many occasions in my life along with sharing in my sales meetings!

Jim Daech

Thank you for such dedication in doing this! I’ve been reading these for about 7 years & look forward to them everyday. I’ve learned so much through the years & reinforced many things I already knew not to mention made me think of some things differently. Often share with my three children.

Jess Sherman

Happy Birthday! It’s quite an accomplishment keeping a daily practice going so long! Thank you for putting the work into these messages. Think Daily has helped me in my business and life.

Jon Bridgan

Happy birthday Think Daily. Thank you Larry for continually putting out great content. I love it.

Paul Giglio Jr

Happy Birthday Think Daily!!
Larry Congratulations on reaching this milestone, and thank you for sharing your reflections with us. It’s inspiring to see how your commitment to learning and growth has shaped your thinking and behavior over the years. Here’s to continued success and growth on your journey ahead!

George R. Platt

Thank you, Larry, for grinding out your daily gems for all these years. It is valued and appreciated. The life-long learning highway rarely has any traffic. From one ex-Neanderthal to another!

Chris Zorzy

Congratulations Larry, take a bow you have help many people with your thoughts and that includes me. Thank you for sharing i really appreciate it.


Thank you, Larry, for making us better people and giving us such great food for thought. We are all works in progress!

Pat Iannuzzi

Larry, Thank you so much for your time , effort and commitment to provide these valuable insights.

Sean P Perry

Thank you, Larry! What an amazing commitment and accomplishment!

Dustin G.

Happy Birthday 😊

Curt Drew

Wow Larry 15 years! Glad to be along for the ride and really appreciate all you do!

Sheila Lajoie

Congratulations on 15 years! Larry-I’ve been with Lawson for 6 months and I’m really drawn to the principles that David is truly all about! I see where he draws it from, thank you.

Michael Mitchell

Congratulations on the 15 year mark, and even more my sincere thanks for your dedication to thought leadership and striving for better ways to do things!

Aunt Donne

Congrats Larry!! Roger would be so proud!

Don Godbout

Happy Birthday Think Dailey! I am grateful for all your positive messages over the last 9 years! I am also grateful to Lisa Buccino for all her hard work and efforts in the appointment center with the awesome team led by Denise. She will be truly missed and hard to replace. Good Luck πŸ€ to you Lisa in your retirement and know that you are much appreciated!!

Paul McManus

Happy Birthday! Good on the notebook idea. I’ve created a folder in my inbox where I drop my favorite Think Daily emails. Here’s to your next 15 years!

Judy Gebers

Congratulations on 15 years of Think Daily! What an amazing gift of your time and talents that you have shared with all of us. I’m grateful for you, my friend!

Patti Villers

Congratulations on 15 years! That’s quite an accomplishment. Thanks for all the inspiring posts.

Tom Woodford

Happy birthday and thanks Larry, what your doing and putting out there is important and it matters!

Dera P.

Larry, Thank you so much for sharing. You have been a great source of inspiration.

Sean Jones

Happy Birthday Think Daily!! Thanks for all you do Larry. You have made me a better coach and leader.

David Starrett

Nice Larry,

Thank you,
So Cal Dave 2015

Dave Willett

Thank you Larry!


Happy Birthday to Think Daily! I subscribe to ONE motivational email message, and it’s Think Daily. I appreciate you, Larry!

Dave HeathS

Happy Birthday Think Daily

Josh Lowe

Congrats on 15 years of Think Daily! And thank you for them! I have greatly benefited from your work. Been reading since sometime in 2012 after I met you.
Thanks for the great book recommendation Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Just finished yesterday.
Have a great day Larry!

Mike from Jersey

Thanks Larry for all that you do!
Keep up the great work brother πŸ™‚

Willis Ponds

Happy Think Daily Birthday! I greatly value all of your messages. Thank you for taking the time!

Michael Smith

Larry you are an amazing inspiration! Love what you do and what you are about! Words can not express the gratitude I have for what you put out into the world!!

Jim Burlison

Happy Birthday Think Daily! Grateful for what you do Larry.

Myrsini Papoutsis

Happy Birthday! You started this website years ago in April. You have given so much to each and every one of us I am paying you back by giving you someone who needs your services to do redevelopment at Medford Housing Authority in MA which is federally funded and supposed to start this year. They do not have a contractor yet. I appreciate you!


Thank you, Larry, for paying it forward all these years. I believe I have become a better thinker thanks to you and Think Daily. From the inner, the outter. ❀

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