Grateful for what didn't happen

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

In history, we most remember great figures who fought great battles. For example, Patton or FDR in World War II. What we don’t remember is what did not happen and who avoided it. Do you recall World War III with the Russians? No, because Ronald Reagan avoided it, and saved tens of millions of lives and world catastrophe.

So it is on a smaller scale – we don’t think about the troubles, large and small, that didn’t happen. The power didn’t go out last night, our family members all woke up, a storm did not come, our car started, the WiFi works and we feel good.  

We often focus on what is wrong. It doesn’t take much thought to see that so very much is right. Give thanks for all the bad things that could have, but did not happen.

Isn’t it wonderful?

Edward Griffin

Good morning Larry !

Mike Mitchell

I had a friend tell me that he likes to reflect on what he is thankful for by contemplating “what if I wake up tomorrow and only have the things for which I expressed gratitude today”. Not intended to be an exercise in fear but it really makes you think.

Tony Minchella

Gratitude and faith, then action. But every morning, practically without fail, I do a gratitude list of 10 things, include the reason i am grateful. and outloud with feeling say thank you! thank you! thank you!! One of the exercises from one of Rhonda Byrne’s books, which comes from thousands of years of truth.

William Madelung

I always try to have my daughter look at all the great things we have in front of us. We can’t control what other people think, feel, or there general point of view. All we can control is what we do. Be greatful and each day is gift and not given right.
Excellent blog Larry!

Chad Goodhue

Well said Larry. Too easy to get wrapped in the day to day issues and forget all the goods things we have and are possible. Thanks for reminding us.

John LeVan

Amen: This Blog is often a positive beacon in my day to keep me optimistic.


Thank you for that reminder. I needed that.

Gray Wilson

We are grateful that you Larry, did not decide to remain a general contractor all those years ago and let customers fend for themselves with old world solutions….. We are also appreciative that your efforts developed into this network that feeds our passion and our families so very much and allows us to work with the very best people on this earth. A thousand times , Thank you!

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