When to shake your snow globe – and when to stop

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Pretend we have a snow globe in our minds.  

For some of us, we’re in such a habit of mediocrity and comfort, all the snow has long settled, and not a lot is happening.  That group needs to shake the snow globe.  Go to different places, meet new people, change your habits, and try new things.

For some of us, the snow never settles.  We’re chasing shiny objects, (some worthy of course), maxing out every day, and were exhausted and feeling like we can’t catch up.  We need to stop shaking the snow globe for a while.  Don’t start any new projects, take time off, catch up, and finish what we started.

What advice do you give yourself; which group are you in?  Tell me with the orange button!


Catherine Kwiatkowski

I’m loving today’s think daily, it’s a fantastic journal inspiration.

Aaron Provencal

Love this! I have both going on and need to rebalance in different areas.

Mary Lawrence

I am sure I need to shake it more. Interesting thoughts, my best friend would be the total opposite, she would be always shaking it. 🙂

Jorge W Rodriguez

Sometimes life shakes the snow globes for us unexpectedly and I Need the snow to settle and then shake the snow globe And accept where it settles and believe everything will work out. Healing Peace Faith Stay ? always. ?✌️

Jorge W Rodriguez

Sometimes life shakes the snow globe for me on it’s own unexpectedly. When it settles it’s not always good. I have to accept and believe it’s all going to be alright Thank you CTBS Familia for all your support love you all. Healing Peace stay ? always ?✌️

Sean Perry

Time for a short pause after a big push of inspiration and action. Regroup, let the summer snow settle and shake again!

Patricia Villers

I love today’s bit of inspiration. I do need to shake it up more and I’m making an attempt to do so every day!

robert Brown

Good One!


I have been shaking my globe on over drive since I was about 23; I am now learning the value of stopping and how to do it. Your emails have helped me so much over the years. Thanks Larry, you are a great example for me.


I have been shaking my globe on over drive since I was about 23; I am now learning the value of stopping and how to do it. Your emails have helped me so much over the years. Thanks Larry, you are a great example.

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