Clarity – then time management

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

To manage your actions within time well, first, you have to prioritize. There are so many things we could be doing at any one time, we have to choose. How would we know if we managed our time well?

You have to get clarity on what is most important. What are your most important goals? What are the things that will have the deepest, most significant impact on your life? What are the next steps to getting there?

Once you have clarity on that, then plan your most important activities into your day and week, making them a priority over less important, less meaningful things.

To spend time on this is to NOT spend it on that. Time management is about excluding/ignoring/eliminating many things, so you can focus on the vital one thing at a time.


When you have spent your day on the most important thing, you have spent your time well. 


I am tired of pretending that sitting together in front of the tv is family time. How is watching someone else considered spending time “with” my loved ones?

We sit on the couch, each in his own world, spending our precious life watching how others live.

I am tired of that.

I want to talk, touch and play.

The kids love it and I love their smiles and embrace. I guess I am still a big kid at heart.

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