
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“The Possible’s slow fuse is lit by the imagination.” -Emily Dickinson

Imagination is how we create, solve problems, design a better future, and plan. 

The young are good at imagination – they don’t know the limits, so they ignore them.

The old are good at imagination – they understand the ingredients available and have some experience.

What have you been struggling with?  What would you like to solve? What would be fantastic?  

Sit down, and open up your imagination….


Aunt Donna

This reminds me of the “Brainstorming” I used to do with my team. No idea was discounted- all were collected with no negative comment, regardless of how “off the wall” they were. They let their fantasies fly! Everyone had a chance to contribute, so extrovert/introvert had equal say. It is amazing how one person’s idea would stimulate yet another idea. The the team collectively winnowed down the content to a workable solution satisfactory to all. They owned it!!

Rose Marie Cushing

a good time for my imagination


How about young experienced old souls? We can not judge someone by their age because we never know what they went through or experienced just by looking at their appearance. Some people at 20 dealt with more than other people at age 50. Age should never be a scale we use to measure a souls capacity to contribute and make a difference in this world.

A body is a tool that could be reconditioned at any point if the occupier decides to change their thinking and take the necessary steps towards the reconditioning training.


Also, some rules are man made therefore only man/woman through their imagination and thinking are capable to change them.

And I am not thinking about gene splicing, cross breathing and DNA modification. I am thinking about social rules. All the pleasantries we were forced to accept because someone made it a rule or a custom.

For example, I do not understand why we need Valentines day to remind us to tell our chosen partner that we love them and spend time with them. Why do we have to express our love through buying a useless stuffed animal?

Why are we forcing ourselves to buy gifts at Christmas when it clearly diminishes the meaning of a true gift?

A true gift comes from the heart and manifests itself any given day of the year.

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