Curing Cancer

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We all know someone we’ve lost to cancer. It may seem hard to believe, but the end of cancer and other diseases is near.

Scientists and researchers have been working hard to find new approaches to fighting these diseases and they are making extraordinary progress lately.

For example, immunotherapy involves using a patient’s own immune system (in this case T cells) to fight cancer. Doctors remove immune cells from patients, tag them with “receptor” molecules that target specific cancer, and then infuse them back into the body. During the study, 94% of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) saw symptoms vanish completely. Patients with other blood cancers had response rates greater than 80%, and more than half experienced complete remission.

We all do our part to make the world better. I help people who can fix the medical researcher’s home, she finds a cure for a disease for my neighbor, who runs a deli down the street so I can get a sandwich for lunch.

What do you do for all of us?


Jack Gottsche

Larry – Because of your Gift, The Highest Calling – Im helping people with a concept called iDoGREAT.

It works like this. You are Great when you say you are. You can be Great just for the day, and hopefully and God willing, you get to do it again tomorrow. And you Define What Great is to You – Just like John Woodens Def of Success.

iDoGREAT Lifts People Up. Its Tagline is “Im Doing It!” It is “My Positivity Company.” We are creating “Certifications” what iDoGREAT means – so that people associate their level of Greatness to a Skill Set, Passion Etc.

iDoGREAT creates awareness virally. It mentors people to Do Great – for themselves families and friends and co-workers.

iDoGREAT is ROCKY. I created it to LIFT People, Causes, Events, Companies.

Page 108 in the Highest Calling HIT exactly on my Day 90 of Sobriety. It Hit exactly on Day 109 of a Friends Sobriety in 2011, a person struggling with Heroin – and Prostitution. What Im saying is in 2011, I copied her FB page, and didn’t look at until I hit your Page 108 – because the Internet at Ikea Store in Vegas was so slow, I just started going thru my Notes on My Computer. The Only Date she recorded was Day 109. It states: I cant believe Ive Been Sober for 109 Days. It is a Miracle.

Imagine how I felt, when I turned from your page 107 onto 108. You know what is at the top, When the Man is Altogether, His World is Altogether. I Wrote Holy Sh#T! I then have no internet connectivity at IKEA (which I have every day prior for months) open up NOTES, look through page after page killing time, see What Icopied absscurly in 2011, and read the FIRST acknowledgement of Sobriety when it hits on her Day 109!

Larry – Do I have Your Attention?

Im TradeMarking the Whole Concept. Cant share it right now.

How Casey sent that Package to me, without me asking for it – is a Miracle.

Its a Miracle Ive tried to get Sober for 25 years, in and out. In and Out.

Its a Miracle I Even Listened to your CD – All of Them – Highest Calling.

Its a Miracle – I Started My Journey to Get Sober (AGAIN) I own for a reason – so that it coincided with my 90 days hitting on your Page 108.

iDoGREAT is so PowerFul – So UnBelievably Powerful to Help Others – I cant wait to share it with you – as Ive Created it Through God, Through You, Through Gods Kids.

I kinda need a Mentor. wink wink.

I want to Attract Tony Robins – and Get Him Involved as My Partner – where I license This Idea with Him as part of the OnLine Mentoring Arm. There is the Entertainment Arm, The Motivational Speaking Platform Arm, The Merchandising Arm, The Philanthropy Arm. It serves to Fuel – Empowering People in Business to Do GREAT.

Have a Great Day Larry! You Have Given Me One. Again. Thank You.

Tim Byrne

Thanks Larry And if they need any cool furniture I know a place that has some Have a great day Tim

Chris O'Hara


Conventional science has failed and continues to fail at finding a cure for cancer despite the billions of dollars spent on treatments which in the long term actually end up killing most cancer patients.

The cancer industry continually looks only for a cure but not the cause. If the focus was to find and prevent the cause, the cure would be found.

Many scientists and health practitioners have vast amounts of evidence for causes and proven healing methods, but they don’t seem to get the same attention as the traditional medical model.

These other methods may require one to make changes to their lifestyle, way of thinking and take responsibility for one’s own health. All change is difficult and for some it may just be easier to take a pill or let someone else take control of your healing but just, “Beware”

I hope I am wrong however once the new T cells are infused the cancer cells may temporarily disappear, but if the environment is not changed they will be back.

I am personally grateful to have met many who have explored alternative ways of healing that have survived and are thriving today, yet their story rarely gets attention.


As someone who has recently walked the cancer journey, I believe I am well qualified to speak to this.
On Sept 11, 2015 I was diagnosed early stage 1 invasive breast cancer triple positive. I would start over a year’s journey through lumpectomy, chemotherapy and Herceptin and radiation. I continue with occupational therapy and rebuilding my immune system. Chemo is designed not just to kill cancer cells. It unfortunately wipes out even the good cells.
I realized that my gift from cancer was to walk each day in gratitude and to be of service to others.
In conjunction with Her Haven, I am looking for women who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and who want a space in their home for healing. Mine was my home office which also has room for a yoga mat for meditation. I felt peace each time I entered the room. It was and still is my safe space.
If you know anyone, Larry or others, who might fit this description, I would so appreciate your getting in touch with me.
I have also added a health and wellness coaching element to my business. I want to share with others the benefit of eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle. It has made all of the difference for me.
Cancer is tough but we are tougher.



Thank you for sharing your journey. I to have traveled a similar path. Walking in gratitude, yoga and most powerful, meditation, especially shamanic, hermetic or occult forms, have helped me tremendous. It is wonderful that you work with others, I do too. However remember the words of the flight attendant before take off..”make sure your oxygen mask is secured tightly first, then help the person next to you. Peace

Peter Romaniuk

This is a very inspirational post Larry – Thank you for sharing.
What I am doing for all of us is working to find a way to eliminate the internal combustion engine (in the long term) by providing the technology today that substantially reduces emissions from vehicles with ICEs. The best way to describe it is how Chris O’Hara stated above “If the focus was to find and prevent the cause, the cure would be found”. I have focused on improving the “combustion” efficiency of an ICE, addressing the source where pollution and GHGs are actually created – not focusing on fuel efficiency. I am doing what I can to help climate change and global warming to have a cleaner world in the future.

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