Do you see anything wrong with that?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Keene New Hampshire recently got a $500,000 bomb-proof vehicle from the Federal Government. On their application, they cited a risk of terrorism at their pumpkin festival. A Keene New Hampshire official admitted that they were not worried about terrorism at their pumpkin festival or elsewhere, but “that’s what you have to put on the application to get it approved,” and “what guy doesn’t want to drive around in one of these things.”

The Federal Government is militarizing local police forces with 7 billion dollars of un-needed equipment.

Do you see anything wrong with that?

Jim Burlison

If I don’t approve of wasteful spending in my house I wouldn’t approve of the government doing so…especially if I was in debt and added to my debt with the wasteful spending. Get our national debt down and then if you have a surplus to have fun with fine…needs to stop!

Dave Simon

I see a problem with it. A large central government and liberty are mutually exclusive. The founding fathers were vehement in their opposition to a standing army, for good reason.

Pat Edwardson

Not at all. Especially if I was the cop who had to put my life on the line to safe someone who was being held hostage and knowing a vehicle of that type would be a great asset. These types of vehicles have been deemed surplus and no longer needed by the military. They have been bought and paid for by tax dollars. They would be just sitting around mothballed and rotting away. Unfortunately our government has created such a “Free Society” that it increasingly causes otherwise innocent people to become victimized. You want people to be able to own and in some states carry assault type weapons, then you better be prepared to have police officers having armored vehicles available to use when needed. Remember, they want to be able to go home to their families at the end of a days work just like you do. Would you want to be the law enforcement officer that will be duty bond to have to approach a school loaded with kids where some “citizen or guest to this country” is barricaded inside with a weapon that contains rounds that will penetrate your supposed Bullet Proof Vest????

bob p

good morning larry i ,you and government know the level of corruption thats been going on since 1776 i enjoy and pass on to my kids the solid and practical wisdom you pass to us stick with the positive your good at it thx bob

David boyajian

They should take the $500,000 and fund
Public art and education .

Pat Cahill

That’s absurd, I went to keene state and lived off campus there for 4 years and it’s a very safe place. The audacity that the police dept has to even ask for something like that is embarrassing. I do blame our government for giving in but I blame keene pd or nh police for making a ludicrous request. It’s sad.

Peter Romaniuk

Of course it’s ludicrous. I wonder if Donald Trump is aware of this. If not, maybe he should be. Then it would be interesting how he handles the situation.
I agree that we should be providing our police forces with what they need to do their work BUT $7B – wow – for vehicles that are not neccessarily – “neccessary”.
Thanks for the info Larry.

Brian Webb

These vehicles are bought on credit from our grandchildren. If they were used in the military and have been retired, I don’t have a problem with it especially with the amount of un-vetted refuges Obama is bringing in. Remember this? “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”. He did what he said he would do. Unfortunately, it will cost this nation, our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren greatly! But he does not care about that sitting with Secret service protection for the rest of his life. He will not have to worry about the debt either nor will his children with the amount of money he will earn in “Clinton style”.


In Canada it is the Same, Toronto Police vehicles and uniforms now look like they are working in a war zone! Scary

Greg Dills

Yes, I see a huge problem. This has been going on for years, and is effectively negating the 2nd amendment.

Chris O'Hara

It is clearly known within the :Deep State” of our government that the greatest threat of terrorism is from within “We the people” and not as likely from a foreign entity (unless we’ve done something to provoke). Our country was founded by terrorists and through many acts of terrorism we have become a world power. I often ask myself what is the difference between a patriot and terrorist, and in the end, how are of these labels awarded? Is it not the victors choosing, who tells the story from their perspective in history books? I remain grateful for everything this land has given me but that doesn’t mean I have to be unconditionally proud of its history or rulers. Maybe the militarization of our police force Is being driven by are own fears to protect the status quo. Do you think this fear that appears to be so pervasive, may be overcome by looking inside ourselves and finding courage through awareness to make change or do we sit back and wait for the “Great Pumpkin” to come? Keene will be ready and waiting.

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