That special someone

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Whether we have children or not, we have the opportunity to be an incredibly special person for someone else.  We can support them, care for them, be a backstop for them, love them, teach them, encourage them and/or help them out of trouble.

This someone else may be male, female, much older or younger than us, may be black, white or brown, and may or may not be related to us in any way.

People are everywhere.  Your choice. 


Somewhere I read that whatever happens is decided and written long before we are born. So for those who have to give up their children may be the price they have to pay in this life for previous deeds committed as a soul against another soul. Some call it karma. I may have been a roman solder taking away the life of someones son, or a leader irresponsibly acting therefore condemning someones son to death and to make things even I was born as a woman sentenced to feel the same pain as a punishment. I have a feeling I recently payed a big chunk of my debt. I wish the best for those who I sinned against and I ask for their forgiveness. I hope their children will grow up to be strong and capable to hold down the fort and make people smile on this earth.

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