Our Democracy is not Populism

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Populism is doing what is popular, and it promises unlimited benefits.  The United States is a Constitutional Republic with democractic elections. We all get to elect our leaders, but those leaders can’t just do what they want, even if it is “popular”.

For example, if most of the people thought the idea of getting free stuff was (“popular”) a good idea, and the leaders acted on that, it’s not hard to see how that would lead to disaster.

Fortunately, we have a Constitution which gives only specific powers to the government and reserves all other powers not specifically given, to the people.  This document is the best one ever conceived to create and keep people free and properous.

Now if we (our leaders) could only remember to live by it… 


I can’t agree more.


I agree and if we are not careful the Constitution will have very little meeting if we lose this election to someone who will ignore its real purpose . It seems we now interpret it according to political affiliation rather than law

Jeremy Hill

Give them cake… and subsidized air-sealing and insulation.

Chris Empey

Couldn’t have said it better!!

Pete Burgess

It is not a matter of remembering to live by it as our leaders lose their power by obeying the Constitution. The money and power available to people in politics corrupts virtually all good intention and moral compass. The Constitution stands as more of an impediment to the goals of politicians than as a blueprint of how to govern. The system has turned upside down from that envisioned by those who wrote the Constitution. Remember Eisenhower warning us of the “military/industrial complex?” It is alive and well and has been joined by the corporate/Wall Street cronyism complex. You will sow the seeds of our destruction by voting for those who are a part of or will become a part of this group who avoid the Constitution and its protections for the people.

Matthew W Stewart

Thanks for sharing, I agree completely with your post. When the rule of law is trumped by executive order the constitution becomes nothing more than a piece of paper.


I believe that the Constitution was inspired by God by people of great faith, and is why it will always stand the test of time. In the last 8 years the Constitution has been stretched and yes, sometimes ignored.
We, as our forefathers have done, need to protect it with our lives if necessary. If we stick to the principles of the Constitution, our country will last another 200 years, if not there is no future!

Linda Connolly

Amen! I couldn’t agree more!
Linda Connolly

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