Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcomes?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

People should have equal opportunity and equal treatment – right?

But we can’t say that people should be “equal” or have “equal outcomes” (income, homes, cars, standard of living, etc.) Why? Because people do not do the same things with their time, and if we wanted everyone to have the same standard of living, we would have to treat people unequally. That is to say we would have to take away from some, to give to others so they had the same. 

If we want equal treatment, we can’t have equal outcomes.

And if we want equal outcomes, we can’t have equal treatment.


Mike Wytenus

I like to say “I need to treat everyone fairly, but not equally”. Living in a performance based business.

David Boyajian

equal means getting the same thing in the same place at the same time.
Equal is about access . Once you have equal access you have a level playing field . then people have the opportunity to acts and move forward on their ideas and interest . nothing happens over night all things that are worked on and developed take time . knowledge , insight, innovation and determination are key factors in determining a successful out come and growth . Ultimately all things are shared having access to those things is Key .

Jane Miller


If you define equality in terms of “stuff,” then at some level freedom and equality are conflicting concepts.
However, if you understand equality in terms of opportunity, not outcomes, then you understand that the most effective way to promote equality is to promote freedom.
Each of us makes choices in our life. Each choice leads to different outcomes. Who wants to live in a world where everyone is guaranteed exactly the same outcome? Try Cuba. It is a system based upon someone else deciding what you and I will have or not have and it leads to equally shared misery. Denied freedom, the human spirit fails to thrive.


Such logical thinking, and so obvious, yet so incomprehensible to the majority.

Keith Griffin

I wish more people understood this concept.


Joel Orthmann

Correct! And very profound!


Unification Act ???
Never going to happen in my world !

Tyler Sillson



Thanks Jane & David for your fantastic comments. I live in a country that is essentially communistic, the opposite to what you are promoting. All you need to do is look at the mess and the millions of unhappy, deprived people, all living without dignity, then you will know what you are saying is 110% true. Look “under the people” and you will see the rot of the dictators who only care about themselves.
No, I do not live in misery as I refuse to be part of that system. Let us face it: the communist have to get their wealth from somewhere, so they are happy to let me do my thing and take more than their fare share.
Education. Education. Education.
Keep up the great thoughts and comments.

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