Hijacked by the media

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Many of us have a routine where we largely live in and around our homes and workplaces.  Yet we have developed opinions about groups of people, places and ideas that we have never experienced firsthand.

Often we got these ideas from the media. They presented to us what they wanted to, in the way they wanted to, to influence our opinions.  Slowly, and systematically, our minds were hijacked.

But that would never happen to you of course…or did it?

Let’s be careful.

John Sambogna

Even though technology and transportation has made the world seem smaller, it’s still a big and diverse world. The media spins everything. Get out there and see things for yourself. My experience has shown me that things are usually different than we have been told.


You are so correct, Larry and John.
It would be interesting to see the one liners from people if they were to give their opinions on my home, South Africa???

Kevin Koval

I approve of this photo.

John LeVan

I have a college age son who loves to follow politics. Sometimes he will watch news coverage of an event on a news channel like Fox, and then toggle back and forth to the same coverage on MSNBC. If you listen to what is being reported you would never believe it was the same event.

The media spin machine tries to shape your thinking on everything!

Pedro E. Wasmer

Your point is well taken. One element you forgot to mention as a mind hijacker is the education being forced upon our children, which typically excludes any vestige of consideration for any opinions other than those spoused by the professors and their sycophants.

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