Incorrect beliefs lead to incorrect action

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When I was young, someone came in and told me an outlandish story about how they were severly mistreated by another group.  I was so angry I ran outside and lashed out, yelling obcenities at the offending parties.  Well, I was told a lie.  It wasn’t like that.  I saw that my behavior was way off base and now I was the one committing the offending behavior!

There are a number of lessons here (like get both sides of the story!), but the one I wish to pull out now is that when we are given faulty information, stories, and themes that are nothing more than another groups effort to manipulate us by making us believe bad things are happening and we must act now, we humans can do pretty stupid and awful things.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” – Voltaire

What have you been led to believe that you don’t really know is true for yourself?


Everything changes but the truth Brother!



“What a shame, what a folly, to give advice before listening to the facts” Prov 18:13
taken from Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book.
I learned that very quickly.

Don Jensen

And when You are the target of someone making a person whom you love believe a terrible lie about you…’s one of the worst kinds of betrayal. Thank you for reminding me of what’s important about cherished relationships both business and personal.

Rob Videon

I believe our political system thrives on this type of misdirection. I am to the point that I do not trust the information given from our political leaders & the media in general. This is sad because they are supposed to represent us. Even if the truth was presented without exaggeration or some hint of persuasion I would still question its validity. The only way to prevent the enevitable atrocities is to abstain from action upon a subject until time and truth reveals itself! Even then it is your choice on how you will respond. Great subject Larry!

tim byrne

We are belief making and belief consuming creatures However we can change our beliefs by finding what they are and how they are working in our lives.After all a belief is something we make up and we have a choice to keep it or not Thanks Larry Great topic Have a great day

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