Drugs destroy lives

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We should talk to kids so much about the ugliness, darkness, and ruin that drugs bring to their users and everyone around to make drugs very scary for them.  They are something to be feared.

I look around and see the lives shattered by both street drugs and many prescription drugs, and it is clear to me that they contain evil.  Let’s talk to kids and show them examples of where drugs lead – so they can learn from others what we don’t want them to learn firsthand.

What do you think?

Matt Stevenson

Absolutely agree – I’ve been drilling into my kids about drugs and alcohol since they were very young. – maybe even too young but they r getting it – ( I think) it’s not worth the risk to assume they will make the right choice


My children have seen what alcoholism can do not just to the alcoholic but to the family and I still fear for them. We can give them the information, show them the examples and pray they make the right choices. Always be there for them whenever they need us.

Craig Leader

I have had the pleasure of know those who have comeback and succeeded from addiction, and the misfortune of knowing those who were paralized and many sucumb to the disease of addiction.

Somehow the drugs seem to,deaden the sounds of the negative persona inside. Where the freedom from drugs allows one to face to problems in their life, overcome obstacles and succeed with positive reinforcement.

I advice my children to stay as far away from drugs as possible. I have shown them powers of example for both sides. I pray that they understand.

Aunt Donna

We need to take responsibility for our own health and well-being. Doctors can prescribe drugs that are not always in our best interest. Just because a physician prescribes something, doesn’t absolve us from being informed and responsible. Ask questions, know side-effects, and follow explicit directions. Seek non-medication interventions before exposing yourself to side-effects of powerful drugs.Yes, there are many situations where medication is the right answer, but be informed, and do not be lulled into a false idea that if a little is good, then more is better. Misuse and side effects can be deadly.

Patty Froehlich

I am one proud mom, just yesterday on our way onto campus for the high school choir performance, my son, Trevor, pointed out a Senior and talked about how smart this kid is, however, he is doing drugs and going to ruin his life. Franz and I have always discussed drugs with the kids and how it can really mess up ones life.

Flip Plancon

PLEASE do this. I know first hand the devastation of addiction. What starts out as fun, turns into relief from not being able to cope with reality in the form of running from responsibility, and finally total reliance on the drug of choice to escape the chaos we have produced. This is a desperate way to live. I used to say ” What the hell is going to happen next” Today, my life is awesome and I live with the attitude of “I can’t wait to see what happens next” If I can help anyone, please let me know.

Curt Drew

Timely conversation. Last night I received news of an old high school friend that is in ICU because her liver is failing. She’s 44. She’s lost her kids, her husband, and now it looks like she’s going to lose her life! All to keep drinking. Crazy!

Tim Byrne

It is a disease that can be arrested a day at a time with people going on to live extraordinary lives Having said that would’nt it be nice to live extraordinary lives without having to experience this disease Understanding why people use drugs in the first place is best explained by those who are on their way back from addiction unfortunately a great deal of society still sees them as different and most of them live anonymous lives Open AA meetings allow people to attend the meeting who are not alcoholics or addicts and they can hear for themselves the stories of those coming back I recommend this for anyone who wants to learn more. Alanon is another way to learn how the family can cope with this disease Thanks Larry Have a great day

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