Who cares?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

What belongs to you, you tend to take care of.  What belongs to no one or everyone tends to fall into disrepair.

Can you see examples of that around you?

Chad Lacey

I love this one!! It’s seems the world or people only cares if they can get something out of it, instead of caring about the right thing!! People will fight for a pair of shoes or iPod, but not for a job! They will fight for the first seat to a concert but won’t even leave home to vote! They care only for the story so they can tell it to make themselves feel like they accomplished something when really someone else did! Our world is falling apart and is lazy, our govt is corrupt and it all belongs to us, but we are not going to do anything because the world has made us believe there would be no story or gain by doing anything to stop what we all should want to contine to want to belong to us!! Our rights and freedom does matter!! Thanks man, I thought I was alone.

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