
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Each day we identify with our environment. We do the same things in the same way, and these things trigger the same emotions we have had every day. We take our past and live it over again – projecting the past into our future.

But does the past equal the future? That’s up to you. You have a choice for what to think, what to feel, what to experience no matter what happens, and for how to live.

You are creating your own experience.

How’s that going?

Don Godbout

Good morning Larry – Thanks again for calling out the Godbout Brothers on yesterday’s board. My brother Steve is pumped up and he made another sale yesterday. I told him that if this doesn’t inspire having your name shouted out by Larry, what does.

Yes the past doesn’t equal the future. Success is a journey not a destination. Your life a is a continious series of nows. I love that saying. You have to change the way you think to be the person you want to be. You can’t be the old person and new person at the same time, so you have to let go of the old you. I only wish that I heard Masterpiece when I was my daughter Emily’s age. She listens to it and always says “Dad take a shower. However, past doesn’t equal the future, so I’m working on getting better “now” and every day. By the way I’m now reading self help and nuitrional books everyday. I was never a reader in the past, but I am now. Thanks agin for all you do! The New Don!!!

Bob Ligmanowski

I must change who I’ve been. It’s a hard thing to do, but I’ve been keeping it top of mind and working on it. I have 3 people I’m sending “Think Daily” to right away 🙂

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