Drinking Problem?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I have heard this more than once – The medical community says that if you don’t drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day that you don’t have a problem.  I found that a little nuts.  If I drank two drinks a day – I would have a problem – probably a lot of problems.

What do you think?

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Paul Brower

Its not about the number of drinks you take in a day or week, but its about the ability to not take a drink if you choose? Do you have the ability to choose when to drink or not drink at all? If you can then you probably don’t have a problem, but if it has become a need or uncontrollable desire that is where the disease begins!

Matthew W Stewart

Drugs and alcohol hinder ones ability to think clearly and perform at their best. For this reason avoiding alcohol is always best for the professional. If you choose to drink moderation (1 drink) is key to avoid developing an addiction.

Jon Roz

“The Man takes a drink, the drink takes a drink, the drink take the Man”

Alcohol tells you are alright, that the world is all wrong and slowly dissolves personal relationships, marriages, careers while killing it’s victim on the installment plan.

While under the influence and over time, alcohol blurs reality, mis-aligns priorities and goals.

Merely quitting is not sobriety.

Personal growth begins with a clear head, and a vision of the possible with the discipline of deep introspection that alcohol obscures.
“Who have I hurt?”, “How do I make amends for my drunken behavior?””How do I provide service and embrace an act of giving rather than receiving?”

These become the lifelong focus of a person recovering from the grip of alcohol.


If your having a few drinks every night to relax? Its time to change your life!


Eating sensible meals and exercising seems to me a better habit to form. It has very few adverse effects, if any.
Making alcohol a habit in your life has the potential for devistating consequences. It can happen slowly or quickly.
Of course, there is the possibility that nothing bad will happen. These people are fortunate. For some the risk to emotional, physical and mental wellbeing is not worth the potential health benefits to forming this habit.

Rob Videon

When I think about addiction, I’ve lived in and around addiction at different times in my life and what I see is that it’s better to be addicted to things that make you better and I just don’t see that a regular occurrence of consuming alcohol or any kind of drugs is a way of helping you to grow or to think differently. I found that when I choose to drink at home regularly it was a form of escape and progressively became more and more important & honestly I became more and more lazy. For this reason I choose to have a drink or two with friends on the rare occasion that we get together for a social event & possibly on a weekend watching a movie with my wife. My main addiction now is learning through podcasts & audio books & meeting and observing other leaders.

John LeVan

Nice comment Rob. Can you imagine what our society would be like if all of the people trying to escape things learned how to engage problems by seeking solutions and through self improvement instead?

POW!….. that would be a great place to live!


I have heard if you feel you have to have even one drink a day you have a problem. i knew a few alcoholics and they just fool themselves into thinking they are not. like saying i can stay away. so they do for a week but oops back again. so i say if you can do it for a week give it another week and so on. oh well but they have to want to quit.

Ray Hepburn

Every thing in moderation. Nothing Good ever happens when drinking

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