Asking yourself questions

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You could go on the way you are going for the rest of your life.  But asking and considering the big questions of yourself can be worth a lifetime of experience – and since you only have one life, it’s pretty important not to waste it.

What do I really want?  Do I like doing this?  Should I do something different?  Should I live somewhere else?   Why is my attitude like it is and am I happy with how I think about things?

What questions should you ask yourself?

Dave Iannone

I answered that question 5 years and 6 months ago when I left corporate America to join TEAM Basement Systems and more specifically becoming part of the start up of Dr. Energy Saver.

If you follow your your Passion, and look outside of your level of comfort, you can take it to the next level especially if you can align yourself with the right opportunity and passionate people, it’s a game changing experience!


WOW! I have been asking myself that question a great deal lately and I am still waiting for an answer.

Happy Memorial Day. I missed the picnic due to no ride I would have loved to have been there!


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