Who, not how.
What problem is persistent that you are trying to figure out? Stop trying to figure it out and think of who knows how to do this already and get them to do it. Who is great at what you are not? Who loves to do what you hate? You are…
Start your day withThink Daily for BusinesspeopleThink Daily for Businesspeople are daily messages from entrepreneur and business owner Larry Janesky. They motivate, educate, and inspire. These business messages can be used to provoke thought or even to kickoff morning meetings.
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What problem is persistent that you are trying to figure out? Stop trying to figure it out and think of who knows how to do this already and get them to do it. Who is great at what you are not? Who loves to do what you hate? You are…
What is the number one most valuable thing you can be working on this week based on what is happening now? Get in it and stay on it until it is done (solved, built). Forget the rest.
Well, it's been a great ride through this book I found in a forgotten stack in a crowded aisle in a Birmingham Alabama bookstore. Here, we finish the last chapter on the Acquisition of Dominating Power. The Shogun leaves us with advice on who you hang out with due to…
The last chapter of this ancient writing about "Influence - How to Exert It" is "Acquisition of Dominating Power". (I feel the need to downplay the title of this chapter. I don't want to dominate anybody - at least not in the way we use the word domination today. I…
To close out this chapter on confidence, I love that the Shogun talks about the confidence you have with your own opinions regarding your health. I read a statistic somewhere that people with positive attitudes who expect to be healthy for a long time live an average of seven years…
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I have been a Think Daily disciple for many years now and greatly appreciate your perspective on all things. The breadth of your business endeavors is remarkable and admirable, particularly your recent acquisition of Win the Storm and your expansion into the roofing industry in general. I own and operate Formula Roofing and Remodeling in Denver, CO, and serve on the Board of Directors of the Colorado Roofing Association (CRA). I’d like the opportunity to explore potential synergy between the CRA and your Contractor Nation and School of Entrepreneurship. Do you offer in-person seminars for organizations like ours? The CRA is determined to not just educate our members on becoming better roofers, but also better business people. Please let me know your thoughts on this. I am happy to hop on a call, but can imagine you have an extremely packed schedule. Thank you for your consideration, and of course, for your insights and wisdom from experience over the years.
Lawrence Kerr
(303) 808-4740