Think Daily by Larry Janesky

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Influence – How to Exert it

I was in a old cluttered bookstore in Birmingham Alabama, killing a couple of hours before a wedding with my wife Marie and a couple friends.  I'm typically not a bookstore rat with Amazon in my pocket, but the store fascinated me.  As I rummaged through the piles of books…

Employees see what's really going on

Your employees see what is really going on inside your company. Do leaders care?  Do their coworkers care?  Who cares and who doesn't? What are the internal standards and can they be proud of them? Is it clean?  Is the thinking short-term or long-term? How is the sausage (product) made?…

The perfect life.

"It is not ease, but effort - not facility but difficulty that makes men.  There is perhaps no station in life in which difficulties have not to be encountered and overcome before any decided measure of success can be achieved." - Samuel Smiles I have lived a perfect life.  It…


"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox Determination is one of the magic invisible ingredients you'll need to stay the course and accomplish the extraordinary. I'd rather have determination than a…

A Test

When you finally have enough money, the real man/woman is revealed. If you had enough money to retire, leave, and go do anything, what would you do? Would you keep doing what you have been doing and build on it?  If so, then you have been doing the right thing…

Don't (always) play by the rules.

I have invented many things.  I have 32 patents.  In some of these cases in particular, I had to go against what everyone else was doing.  I had to break the rules, part with conventional wisdom, and challenge "truths".  In a couple cases I had to violate the building code…

What are you afraid of?

Everything you want is on the opposite side of fear. Fear holds people back more than any outside force. Fear of failure.  Fear of losing what they already have even though it's not great. Fear of looking bad, silly, stupid, or like a beginner. If you want to do or…

Two kinds of freedoms

Freedom from, and freedom to. Having "freedom from" is great.  Freedom from violence, oppression, and injustice. "Freedom to" is next level.  Freedom to do whatever you want when you want.  Now that is freedom. Of course, it comes only with discipline, learning, and creating value for others. Freedom from is…

Compass over map

Compass over map. Explain the goal to your team.  Review your why.  Explain the values they must hold on the journey. Then let them help figure out how to get there.

A new year – what will be different?

If I do the same thing this year as I did last year, I will get the same results; or maybe a little better or a little worse based on external circumstances. I want to do better.  I am thinking about new and different marketing campaigns. I am thinking about…