"The wealthy don't pay their fair share!"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You may have heard this said.  Do you know how much they do pay?  The people that say this, don’t.

The top federal income tax rate is 39.6%.  State income taxes could be another 0-10%. There are no “loopholes”.  So in my state, top earners pay 46.1% in income taxes alone, not including Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Property Taxes, and all the taxes paid by their businesses.  Further, they match the Social Security and Medicare taxes paid by every one of their employees who work in the jobs they created.

So if (let’s round it to) 50% is not fair, what is?  And if that number is “fair”, shouldn’t everyone pay their “fair share” (the same percentage)?

46% of workers don’t pay any tax at all.  

The wealthy don’t pay their fair share?  Don’t believe it.  It’s the opposite.

Jane Miller

The very term “fair share” is someone’s judgment. Who gets to make that judgment? In whose hands do we put that decision? Stalin put it in the hands of “the Party”? Is that what we want in America?

What happens when the payers can’t pay enough to cover the non-payers? When to the payers stop paying? Is that when we reach “fair share”?

David Sawransky

Larry, it is not fair, there are still thousands on welfair who only have 1 or 2 flat screen tv’s and 2 cars. They are suffering with the I-phone 5 when so many have an I-phone 6.

Alan Sheketoff

I wish there were another 100 people like you who actually get it! People live in a dream world who keep telling people that work their butts off trying to make a good living not only for their own families, but their employees and their families, that we need to continue to pay more to the government, so they can turn around and hand it to way to many people who have their hands out who choose not to work harder or at all, so this administration will just take care of everything for them and steal the money from the many who continue to work the hardest! Thank you for telling it straight.

Mary Lawrence

Loved it….

Patrick George

It’s not about “fair”. That assumes a predetermined need or order. Children need food,education and health care. Taking care of veterans, folks who’ve contributed all their lives or truly disabled, who deserves help? If employers took more responsibility for health care and sharing in the profitability of their ventures we probably wouldn’t be looking for government to solve it. How much do we as individuals need in the way of wealth? When do we decide “I’ve got more than I can possibly use, I’ll share with those not as fortunate”? Who decides? Employers? Government? God? Life is short, don’t worry about what you can get but what you can contribute. Just because you can buy multiple homes, cars etc., should you? We are not the center of creation or of time.

John hodson

What’s fair Larry is how you and I treat our employees. They are treated with respect, solid incomes, strong cultural values and the ability to have a good life because they are financially sound. In other words, they are NOT treated as a number on a spreadsheet. Yes, you and I pay very high tax rates, but we also absorb a ridiculous amount of wealth. Trickle down economics do not work in a corporate America based on quarterly earnings that are reported to Wall Street. Income levels for the CEOs of many companies are not commensurate with the Value that they produce to society. Until the imbalance in income in the country is addressed, we can’t really solve for taxes. Complaining that 46% do not pay taxes isn’t the issue per se. Isn’t the issue their ability to get a good education and the skills needed to “earn” in order to contribute to society? 0 x 0 = $0. Be well. John

Jason Bolt

Great … were building a kingdom by being part of BasementSystems. There is a plan we must dig in deep with are fellow man and woman and see what else there is to complete. We simply just have to plan the work and work the plan. We should all be promoting understanding between thee aware and unaware by facilitating communication in our everyday environments. Thinkdaily does this very well on a much larger scale. Thank you for your continued work in excellent facilitation of communication.

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