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Larry Janesky: Think Daily

How is your life going? 

If I’m not willing to help myself, there is not much anyone can do for me.

Habits, eating, learning, effort, and attitude…

Are you doing what you can to make things better for yourself and keep them that way?

William Stancil

Hi Larry from Raleigh, NC. Your daily message starts my day with reflective thoughts and over time has shaped my approach to work/life balance. My wife and 2 daughters (ages 22 & 19) often discuss our messages which leads to interesting conversations. Go Wolfpack!

Sean Perry

Good morning from Asheville!

Patrick O'Toole

Its so important to understand that these changes start from within. It sounds so simple, buts so crucial. Believe in yourself and take the first step! You won’t see changes until you’re willing to MAKE changes.

Thank you for these reminders of what is important! They’re always what I needed to read!

Brian DiRisi

Yes. Every. Single. Day. ?


Great recommendations/guidance! Thanks again for the daily positivity.

Patricia Villers

Thanks as always for your daily inspirational posts. We all can improve in some part of our lives. Eating better comes to mind!

Dustin Coffey

Amen. Keep it simple and take care of yourself mentally and physically!

Craig Canella

Hello from Hickory, NC


Hi Larry, keep the thoughts coming, please. You add positively to our lives in Africa.

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