Were you lucky?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I am involved in a variety of different businesses.  Some are easier than others.  Sometimes timing is everything.  Sometimes location is everything. Sometimes connections and relationships are everything.

Often entrepreneurs try different things until they find something that works.  Sometimes they get lucky and stumble into what works on their first try.  

You can be good and unlucky.  (Of course, a different discussion is your response to what happens and making your own luck.)

You can be not so good and lucky.

You can be not so good and unlucky.

Or you can be both good and lucky.

Which have you been so far?

“Catching a big wave and being a good swimmer are two different things.” – Keith Cunningham

Joe Levitch

I have always been searching for that magical thing. Like a compulsive gambler. I am 19 years into my remodeling business, and I stumbled upon an amazing opportunity. I am so excited, but I will not risk my primary business to chase the other rabbit (So to speak) because the man that chases 2 rabbits often catches none. I will however continue to pace myself, control my enthusiasm, pace myself and do my best to catch both of them in an effort to be both good and lucky. Thanks for the post.

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