Sleep is more important than food

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Sleep is more important than food.  Give up food for a week and you will lose weight.  Give up sleep for a few days and you will become completely dysfunctional.

Even still we are very willing to give up an hours worth of sleep with the illusion that it will give us one more hour of productivity.  In fact, small amounts of sleep deprivation take a significant toll on our cognitive capacity.

Less than 2.5% of people feel fully rested on less than 7-8 hours of sleep.  

Since you can’t sleep in most days because the world, the kids, the job, and coworkers have a schedule and are waiting on you, you have to go to sleep in time to get enough rest.  

A good day starts the night before – not in the morning.  If you don’t get enough sleep you will not be as sharp, as happy, as productive, as you would if you did.

Shut the ALL screens off one hour before you want to go to sleep – and have a great day!

Aaron Stull

Good sleep does start the night before. It needs planned like everything else.

Jodi Lynn Fogarty

Love this one Larry, so true. I have found that good sleep leads to more productive and happy days.

Willis Ponds

There is so much truth in this and yet it is one of the hardest things to do, especially for a workaholic (like myself). However, it is true and it would be wise to get sufficient sleep every day. It’s even difficult if not impossible to make up sleep by sleeping more the next day or sleeping ahead. It’s not how we were designed to operate.

tom matthews

Commit to reading in bed each night. Start with a few pages and build on that. If you find the right books, you will look forward to shutting down your digital devices and turning some pages. You will sleep better!

Brandon Carr

Sleep is our superpower.

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