Earn Time

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Time is far more valuable than money.  The reason we want to earn money is to earn time.

When we are young, we trade our time for money.  When we are successful, we can trade our money for time.

Mike Mitchell

Ironically even though not everyone has the same amount of money; we all have the same amount of time everyday. It’s up to us to choose how to most wisely use it.

Rick Pilarski

Perfectly said!

Christie Drzayich

We become successful when time and money are both used, saved, and spent wisely. Have a great day everyone!

Sean Perry

Yes! And good morning!

David Starrett

It is very hard to have both at the same time and point in your life. I’ve had times when I’ve had money in no time. And I’ve had time, but no money. Trying to find a balance between the two has always been a goal of mine.

It sounds like the old rat race.
Thanks Larry.

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