Just press play

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Cool Dad story.  My daughter calls from college and says her professor played a video about spray foam in her building concepts class – and it was me.  “Hey, that’s my Dad!” she told her professor.  It turns out the professor watches many of my videos on YouTube on how to make a house more comfortable and efficient.

The next time I visited I was a guest teacher in the class.  It was pretty cool. Right after I was done, my daughter had to present her project to the class and I got to see it.  It was about air conditioning.  In her presentation, she too played one of my videos. The header photo is her, my daughter Autumn doing that presentation.

The point I want to make is that if you need to train your people but don’t have the time or budget or resources to create your own training materials, find them, borrow them, buy them, or hook up with someone who has them – and just press play.

Tom Woodford

Nice story!

LindyLee Gold

She is an incredible young woman


That’s awesome!

Paul G

Proud Moment!!

Stephanie Pelizzari

That is so cool!

Mark D

That’s awesome.

Dustin G.

Cool Dad story.

Bob Ligmanowski

Cool story! You were the “BMOC” …Big man on campus” that day:)

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