Sound like a broken record

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Your a leader and you told a small group of people what is important.  Then you told a single person at the coffee machine.  Then you told your buddy who works for another company. Then you told your spouse.  Then you told the guys when you went bowling.  Then you mentioned it briefly at the water cooler to a single employee.  Then you rambled to your suppliers about it. 

You think you are talking about it all the time and that you have communicated what is important over and over again.

But wait, you only think that because you heard yourself saying it every time you said it to anyone.  The reality is the bulk of your team only heard it once from you, and since you never mentioned it again TO THEM, they thought you moved on so they did too.

When something is critical or important, you have to say it over and over again to the people who count.  Say it so much they know what you are going to say before you say it.  Sound like a broken record. 

Bill Anderson

Love it!

Bob Ligmanowski

Repetition! So out of sight, out of mind…I have to remember this one. I’m realizing everyone needs a reminder, even if I think “one and done”. Thanks Larry

Wesley martin

This is freeing thankyou I believe in this

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