"When the terrain changes…" Stay flexible.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

My son Tanner and I recently raced the Baja 500.  Starting at 4 am, going 487 miles on a dirt bike – dark, cold, heat, fog, heavy dust, rocks, sand, steep hills with boulders – the whole thing.  It’s a race and a test of mental toughness and physical endurance.  I finished 4th of 7, becoming the oldest finisher ever!  My son Tanner beat two previous champions and crossed the finish line one second ahead to win our class – Ironman (which means solo, no teammates, you ride the whole way yourself).  

One of my chase crew, Arturo, who has been riding down there for 35 years, said something profound.  He said “When the terrain changes, you change your mind”.  

You see, in Baja, you could be on rolling sand whoops for five miles and all of a sudden the course takes a left and you are in a canyon with boulders embedded in deep sand.  When the canyon ends you are in silt up to your footpegs for a while and then you are back on a fast graded road.  You can’t ride it all the same.  If you try, you will be frustrated and make a mistake by overriding a section you needed to be more methodical and precise on.

Such is life leading our businesses.  There is a time to twist the throttle and a time to pick your way through the rocks.  Discerning which is which is important.

“When the terrain changes, you change your mind.”


Josh Lowe

Wow! Great job team Janesky!

Lisa Bayne

Congratulation Larry and Tanner! Wow, every year for the last 3 or 4 I have watched and listened to what the race teaches you. Good Job for winning. Excellent! Persistence, practice, and so much more, Amazing!


Hats off to the two of your. Fine job with lots of determination!!

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