Get help.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We only know what we have learned based on our limited experience and education.  And for most of us, we have gone about as far as that knowledge can take us. To go farther, we must get outside influences. Someone to challenge our assumptions, beliefs, opinions and world we have built.

We have to have someone else to help us rise above what we are doing and see ourselves. I have those people in my life and I hope I can be one of them in yours.

None of us can do this really well alone.  Do you seek help?

Ax Torres

I completely agree and having these types of people in my life is one of the reasons why I feel I have been so successful at such a young age. It is impossible to learn and experience everything oneself, we simply won’t live long enough to accomplish it.


You help and inspire all your readers to be better human beings in our lives and through your blogs we help others who don’t have email.
Keep doing what you do as it wonderful.

Matthew W Stewart

Larry, thank you. You are one of the people that help me to rise above with the advice you offer through Think Daily. The Think Daily blogs have caused me to broaden my views, seek advice sooner and this evolution has made me a better leader and person.

Darrin Saffell

If anyone is wondering if the School of Entrepreneurship is worth it, IT IS!! I just wish it would have been available (and I would have attended) ten years ago. There more content than you will find at any other school and it is broken down into pieces you can easily implement. Do it today!


I am learning through books. I love the way Ayn Rand creates her plots. So far I read Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead but I recently found another of her books called We the Living. I still have some other books lined up before I get to read it but getting good books for free it is always exciting.


I went for an interview today and after my assessment I realized my interviewer, the owner of the company, really needs helps, so I told him about the soe and as much as I knew about the actual program. Small company with inexistent structure, no wonder the horses are not pulling as hard as they should.

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