Question Authority

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

(And don’t fire those who do)

While schools and corporate America value conformity, conformists never change the world, the community, or a company.  History books are the chronicles of deviants and rebels.  Those who point out, in their own expressive way, that what is happening here is not so great, and there is a better way.  

Tap into that mind that challenges how you are doing things (or chase them away to one of your competitors).

Better yet, join them.

Mary Beth Nelsen

Well said.


Tapping into the force is what some people want. I was reading yesterday and I came across a new reference mentioning another rebirth in a thousand years. I woke up thinking about. I went back to see if I can find it but I couldn’t. Some things are hard to interpret and figuring out if it is a good or bad fact is even more difficult. I guess we just try to make the most of the information that is available. Did I just sign up for another round on the roller coaster or did we manage to achieve some sort of progress? is going to be a question for humanity to answer. I do not know but I will try to live every day to the fullest and follow the hunch that seems the best path at any given moment.

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