Markets and freedom – joined at the hip

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“History suggest that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom” – Milton Friedman

Can you think of a time or place where people were NOT allowed to pursue their own interests by trading freely, yet were a free people?

The more we regulate, license, restrain, tax, and burden people trying to freely do business with others, the less free we are.

What do you think about this connection?

Patrick George

It’s not an absolute.

Linda Hvizdo

I am not free to go to a Super Bowl game due to capitalism! Sad that I won’t be able to take my Grandchildren either!

Pete Burgess

Free Market Capitalism, not the crony capitalism practiced by the elites in our political class, banking class, and big corporations, provides more opportunity for the human spirit to thrive. While some level of regulation, control, and order is necessary where large numbers of people coexist and interact, basic human freedoms become more constrained when the magnitude of control increases.

When humans are more free to interact, the greater chance there is for those humans to reach their potential and their dreams.

I don’t know what was meant by, “It’s not an absolute,” but I believe being more free is an absolute more desireable human condition.

Mary Minotti

Hi Larry! Happy New Year! You’re preaching to the choir. I don’t know if any one is noticing, but we let our government slowly but surely push us into a socialistic society. The gov managed to brainwash people into thinking that anyone who owns their own business did it by greed with no scruples or morals and that we are all “rich”. We are the corporations with no families to support or somehow manage to pay less taxes than anyone else. No one mentions that we are indeed taxed double and we pay more than our fair share. Oh…and by the way..this Affordable Healthcare made it very UNaffordable for us. Our monthly premium went from $600.00 per month to $1100.00 per month because “they were not carrying our policy any longer, but have something similiar”. When will the USA wake up and finally realize what is happening????? There is more capitalism going on in China these days than the U.S. Have a Great Night!


Linda – Does someone OWE you a trip to the SuperBowl at low cost? Is that a right of a citizen?

Charlotte Tree Service

Its important to have the freedom to pursue interests and taxes and licensing and be difficult, but have you ever been to a country that doesn’t have regulation and taxes? Once you have, you will understand the need for taxes and regulations.

Charlotte Plumber

Capitalism and the freedom to pursue your own business is what separates our country from others.

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