The Drilling Innovation Dividend

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

How much money will your family save this year because of lower gas prices?

How much will your company save?

What effect will this have on consumer spending on other things?

What effect will it have on your bottom line?

What effect will it have on Russia, Venezuela, Iran and other countries who have less free people/markets and less innovation and have developed little else to offer the world?

Brad Glazer

You asked!!!

My company will save 5,000.00

I will loose 4,000.00

My gas expense was cut by .5%

Not so good for me.

Rob Videon

I am estimating a savings of $1,000.00+ per month in savings in fuel savings at my company. I’m not sure if the product prices will reflect a lower fuel cost but if retailers recognize the savings and pass some on and shipping centers may also pass on a little of the savings! It could be much more. I actually need the additional revenue to make investment’s in equipment and maintenance. Good timing for savings!

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