Better You = Better Business

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You’ll make your business better by making you better.  By making you better you will improve your ability to idintify and work on the few key things you need to make your business grow.  If you don’t grow, you’ll keep doing what you are doing now because you think it’s what you should be doing.  But to get different results you need to lead the company differently.

Work on you and become the kind of leader you need to be to get the results you say you want.

How are you learning to be a better leader today?

Doug Forsthoff

Does POTUS subscribe to TD for Business People? If not…he should!

Cory Crossley

STAYING ON TRACK: Recently a professional bobsled driver was asked questions about how he handled the track so well while traveling so fast. He said he had the course memorized and he knew exactly what to do in advance of approaching each turn. He further explained that if he made a slight mistake he had to have a short memory and immediately anticipate the next turn. He plainly stated if he focused on a mistake then really bad things could happen. I thought he shared good life lessons: know your role really well, don’t dwell on minor mistakes, and have a short memory so you can continue moving forward and being a better you.

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