“(I aim to) Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted” – Finley Peter Dunn, 1902
I hope Think Daily does that – afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted!
If you get comfortable – shake your snowglobe! You don’t become your best self when you are comfortable.
If you are afflicted, (it’s your fault) maybe you need to stop shaking it for a while and catch up, heal up, rest up, get organized and finish what you started.
Do you need to shake the snow globe you are in, or stop shaking it?
Tell me with the orange comment button. Let’s get a ton of comments today!
I need a new snow globe
If my google calendar is my snow globe, then it looks like it skittles……no shaking necessary.
I had to shake my snow globe a few months ago and now I’m working on getting it settled.
Larry, I’m glad you’re not going to spam any more. The snow globe needs a careful shaking.
There is a third component; others who shake your snow globe. That’s what I have felt like the last three years as we tried to keep up with the demand for housing in the southeast. I am working hard to calm my snow globe a bit so that it’s more manageable and less chaotic.
Stop shaking it! Stop the insanity! We (company and team) need to do a hell of a lot less to get more, and stop being everything to everyone. I really light the “snow glob “ thought about this.
I need to stop shaking it, return to the fundamentals, and re-focus on the numbers.
Personally shake it up everyday want to learn everyday experience something new as often as I can. We have a limited time on earth but limitless possibilities .
I need to stop shaking it.